Fall/Winter 2003

I. Chapters 1-3

A. Visions on Patmos; Seven Letters of Christ to Seven Local Churches.

II. Chapters 4-6

A. The Eschaton’s “Table of Contents.” The seven-sealed scroll in the hand of the Lamb.

B. Seven seals chronicle major eschatological events as a revelatory sequential table of contents and overview of God’s plan and man’s destiny in the age of the church.

1. One seal each for four horsemen. 1: Counterfiet religion 2: War and despotism 3: Famine 4: Antichrist; militaristic conquests and power to create famine through “mark of beast” (6:1-8).

2. Seal #5: Voice of the martyrs (work of the antichrist 6:9-11).

3. Seal #6: The Day of the Lord (second coming of Christ 6:12-17).

III. Chapters 7-11: A Prelude to the Great Tribulation: Two groups will come out of it —
Jews and Gentiles (Rev. 7).

A. Seal #7: 7 Trumpets for 7 Angels (Rev. 8-11).

Trumpet 1: 1/3 of the earth, trees, and all grass burned up (8:1-7).

Trumpet 2: 1/3 of the sea turned to blood, 1/3 of ships and sea life destroyed (vvs. 8,9).

Trumpet 3: 1/3 of earth’s drinking water poisoned; many poisoned to death (vvs. 10,11).

Trumpet 4: Day and night shortened by 1/3 (vvs. 12,13).

Trumpet 5: “Abaddon” opens the abyss to release demonic hordes that torment all “who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads.” The end of the First of Three Woes (Rev. 9:1-12).

Trumpet 6: Four death angels released to kill 1/3 of mankind (vvs. 13-18).

Trumpet 7: There shall be delay no longer (vs. 6). “But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound, then the mystery of God is finished, as He preached to His servants the prophets.”

A strong angel (possibly the Angel of the Lord or Arch angel because of symbolic resemblance to Rev 1 resurrected Christ) descends from heaven with prophetic book; 7 thunderous voices forbidden to the record (10:1-5).

John commanded to eat (as was Ezekiel) the prophetic book. Ezekiel’s contained “mourning, lamentations and woe” (Ezek. 2:8-10).

IV. Chpt 12: A prophetic movie of Israel, the Church, and Satan. Earthly banishment from heaven of Satan and rulers of darkness during the time of the Great Tribulation.

V. Chpt 13: The antichrist, his prophet, and the Mark of the Beast.

VI. Chpt 14: Evangelism and overcoming perseverance during the antichrist’s reign (vvs. 1-13). A Glimpse of Armageddon (14:14-ff).

VII. Chpt 15-16: Seven bowls of wrath for man. Bowls 2-6 appear to be augmented manifestations of trumpets 2-6.

Bowl 1: Malignant sores for those receiving the mark of the beast (16:2).

Bowl 2: Bowl poured into sea; ALL turns to blood: ALL sea life dies (vs. 3).

Bowl 3: Poured into rivers; turns them ALL into blood (vvs. 4-7).

Bowl 4: Poured out on sun; scorches men with fierce heat (vvs. 8-9).

Bowl 5: Poured on beast’s throne causing great agony and pain (vvs. 10-11).

Bowl 6: Euphrates river dried up for "kings of east" passage (antichrist's armies) into
Armageddon (vvs. 12-16).

Bowl 7: The Battle of Armageddon; The Great Day of the Lord (vvs. 17-21).

VIII. Chpt 17: A Detailed View of the Antichrist’s 10 Nation Confederacy.

A. The harlot on many waters: A revived cult system of Nimrod’s Genesis 11 Babylonian mysticism. Its immoral influence over all the peoples of the earth (vvs. 1-5; Isa. 47).

B. The beast the harlot rides and guides is the antichrist’s system that will eventually destroy her idolatrous influence to give the antichrist pre-eminence (vv. 16-18).

1. Seven heads of beast are seven world empires over which this cultic religion has and will reign (vvs. 9,10).

2. Ten horns are his national confederacy (vs. 12).

3. They will all be destroyed at Armageddon (vvs. 13-18).

IX. Chpt 18: The Destruction of Babylon (Isa. 47).

X. Chpt 19:1-11: Rejoicing in heaven for this long awaited moment of vengeance: The Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

VVs. 11-21: Graphic description of Christ’s assault into Armageddon with His heavenly army; armies of antichrist are fed as flesh offerings to birds: beast and false prophet cast into ghenna.

XI. Chpt 20: The Millennial Reign inaugurated; Satan bound for 1,000 years; Satan released to deceive as many as possible in one final confrontation before cast into ghenna; resurrection of unrighteous to face verdict from book of life at Great White Throne of Judgment; death and hades thrown into ghenna; second death.

XII. An eternal age described free of death and evil influence: a new Jerusalem in which the age’s inhabitants will dwell (Rev. 21).

XIII. A picture of the river of life; the realities of this new and coming world; and a charge to “overcome” to attain to it (Rev. 22).