Eschatology Today is dedicated to the proposition that all Christians are created equal in their ability to intelligently interpret the Holy Spirit’s eschatological record. Our aim is to rid Christendom of the humiliating blight of “Pan-tribism.”

            Pan-tribism is the woeful state of feigned ignorance a majority of Bible-toting Christians claim when asked to give a defense for the prophetic Scriptures.

            “Bible prophecy? Go away, don’t bother me with it. My pastor’s favorite expert is good enough for me. It’ll all pan out anyway.

            “Besides, I get lost in the Laodicean church age thing in Revelation 3. And I’ve been trying to get through Ed Eschaton’s latest book, 2001 to Infinity, since I received it as BBN’s monthly gift offer last Rosh HaShanna. I’m finally to the planet alignment chapter that talks about the nuclear plant meltdowns and Feast of Trumpets A-bomb disasters he spoke about on the air. And I’m still confused about how they fit into Ebola virus and AIDS.”

            If this sounds like you, this magazine is dedicated to helping you knock it off.

           Why bother the Hebrew prophets from 900 BC through 100 AD with prophetic insight into the second coming of Christ, if they weren’t to be read and understood?

            When you take the time to do it, you will find that the message of Bible prophecy has little to do with the whether-or-not’s of the church’s presence during the Tribulation. Or whether Henry Kissinger or King Juan Carlos will be the Antichrist. 

            What you will discover is that God’s ultimate aim of mankind’s redemption has been slowly moving us away from what we became through Adam’s death (Genesis 3:19)—back into the God ordained image of what Adam originally was [whatever that was] before he fell (Revelation 21:3; 22:3,4). That is, if you’re willing to study. And if you’re willing to let the Bible, not cut and paste allegory, interpret the Bible itself.

            Eschatology Today is finally here to help you wade through the allegorical quagmire of Revelation’s text with expert teachings and ET pointers on pneumatology and hermeneutics. Our links will connect you to some of the best up-to-date news services to keep you informed on prophetically concerned world events, and to some of the best published eschatologians working the field today. Eschatology Today will give you the tools you need to intelligently weigh these experts’ teachings and the inductive know-how to claim “expert” status yourself.

            So, ready to read? Ready to think? The box office is open and the film is threaded. Come on in and take a seat!

About Eschatology Today’s
Sr. Editor
Mark Norris

            Since encountering the love of Christ in 1978, Mark Norris (B.A. theology/M.A. journalism) has served the Lord as a senior pastor, Christian education director, adult singles minister, Bible institute coordinator, prophecy radio teacher, television prayer ministries director, publishing house editor, and author.

            Over his six years of professional writing experience Mark has served as development or redevelopment editor on: A Moment’s Notice, by Hilton Sutton; Rapture, Get Right, or Get Left, by Hilton Sutton; End-time Events, by Charles Capps; The Day Before Eternity, by Rob Parsley; Revelation, by Paul Yonggi Cho; and Daniel by Paul Yonggi Cho.

            Today Mark is Special Operations Division writer-editor for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in Washington D.C., and founder of Covenant Library Ministries, a Bible teaching ministry encompassing Eschatology Today that focuses on God’s literal intent in Scripture and empowering covenant love. He currently resides in Waldorf, MD, with his wife, Alisa.

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