Fall/Winter 2003


ell, here we are…it's Fall/Winter 2003, and American troops have moved farther south in the middle east. Sadaam Hussein is probably a blood stain in the rubble of the first air strike called against him. Afghanistan is still quaking from the power of American military might. Israel is exploding in a small scale guerilla war that could expand at any moment. And the world surrounding us is forming into the confederated monster prophesied in Daniel and John's texts that will one day bear the human-eyed horn symbolized as the infamous antichrist positioned as its head.  So where does this put us in God’s eschatological perspective?

          Close, but not that close.

          Recent events in Jerusalem have elevated it onto the world stage more than ever as the eschatological “cup of reeling” and “heavy stone of injury” prophesied by Zechariah in 12:2,3. Israeli Defense Forces now engage Palestinian terrorists with air strikes and armor. Here in America, wars and rumors of war (Matt. 24:6) are no longer foreign, remote news. New threats of bio-terrorism and airline security terrify many. There is dismay and perplexity among the people (Lk. 21:25).

          At the same time, new opportunities to preach the Gospel are presenting themselves (Matt. 24:14). God is front page world news and there is a hunger for His Spirit and truth stirring in the heart of the American people. True and false prophets have suddenly become an international issue (Matt. 24:11), and slowly but surely the church is rising to the task. The seeds of world events preliminary to Jesus’ return have been planted and are germinating.

          But to date, none of the supernatural signs in the sun, moon, or stars have manifested yet. Despite the best attempts of many expositors to force world events into their prophetic scheme, the “signs” Jesus prophesied “in the heavens” will be miraculous manifestations…terrors and great signs from heaven (Luke 21:11) of supernatural origin that point the way to the miraculous return of Jesus; not bad weather and NASA stuff.

          “Sign” (semeion): terrifying appearances in the heavens, never before seen (Arndt and Gingrich 748 B); fearful sights (NKJV); terrors (NAS); fearful events (NIV); fearful sights (KJV). They more than likely refer to the Book of Revelation’s trumpet and bowl judgments, and none of them have blown or poured yet.

Gog Watch—

          If you’re a “Gog watcher,” former KGB leader Vladimir Putin is now on the rise.

          Regardless of how friendly Mr. Putin appears in the press, the Book of Ezekiel prophesies that “a” Russian leader (“Gog of the land of Magog” Ezek. 38:2) will some day be drawn down upon Israel with a European and Mideastern alliance. God will command it and destroy this Russian ruler with his allied armies to show Israel once and for all His Divinity and claim on them (Ezek. 39:21,22). God will put “hooks into his jaw and bring him out” (Ezek. 38:4). So it could happen in an instant, regardless of American foreign policy or secular world affairs. Whether it will happen as a precursor to the Great Tribulation or at the Battle of Armageddon near its end is yet to be seen. But it will happen, because it is written.

          In future issues we will examine the possibilities of Gog and Revelation’s antichrist being one-in-the-same. It is hermeneutically possible, and Putin could be a good one to watch. Few expect this infamous last days Pharaoh to come down out of Russia, or Gog’s eschatological war prophesied in Ezekiel 38 to be one and the same as Armageddon. Yet, key words and events show it is possible. We’ll show you why.

Mystery Babylon’s New Age of Prestige and
It’s Coming One World Ruler

          Watching for the infamous Antichrist figure is always “antennas up” compelling. We’ve seen a few over the years who appeared to be “trying out” for the spot, but none had the connections or worldwide charisma to fill the position.

          We know from Daniel 9:27 that this infamous prince who is to come will confirm a covenant (peace treaty) with many, which he will violate half-way through Daniel’s infamous seventieth week. If his agreement ushers in the unprecedented era of peace between Israel and her Arab neighbors many eschatologians claim, the Palestine Authority, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Syria, Iraq, and Iran will bury the hatchet with Israel publicly, and will be a wonder to see.

          It is just as possible that his agreement will be affected through political election inside Israel and will effect only the people of Israel. Either way, half way into the seven year period (“in the middle of the week”) described by Daniel, this one will inaugurate eschatology’s infamous Abomination of Desolation Jesus Himself said would kick off the Great Tribulation event. And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate (Dan. 9:27).

          "Therefore when you see the 'abomination of desolation,' spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place"(whoever reads, let him understand).“ ...For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be” (Matt. 24:15, 21).

          This coming despot Paul prophecies will come “…in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders” (2 Thess. 2:9) could come from Israel, the U.N, or the new Euro-consolidation that is currently fulfilling the groundwork of eschatology’s infamous Beast system written of in Daniel 7 and Revelation 17.

          We’ll stay on the watch.

European Union Watch—

          Recent developments surrounding the news making European Union ("Beast system" of Dan. 7:7-12 and Rev. 13; 17) show it is growing and gaining prominence in leaps and bounds. The Eurodollar, the union's common currency since 1999, replaced all member nation's individual currencies on January 1. Much to watch with them.

Sign Watch—

          The signs of war, earthquakes, famine, and pestilence have been a global nag since John penned his revelation. Some appear to be on the rise, at least so far as we focus to take notice. And we’re certainly closer than ever. Israel is the key. Wars and war rumors involving God’s chosen nation of Israel are always “antennas up” prophetic keys. Today we can do it through online linked breaking news, as we do here at Eschatology Today.

          So, let’s watch! And let’s do it intelligently, allowing Scripture to interpret itself as history syncs with it (not the other way around). Too many of we pontificating poo poos chase the windy dunes of doctrinal persuasion around the shifting deserts of prophetic correctness (eschatological PC) and shout heresy at those who dare to dispute our prophetic view. Especially our Rapture views.

          Prophetic studies should be engaging, and fun. So relax. Engage this month's offering on biblical hermeneutics, "Hunting for Key Words the Inductive Way." If you haven't read last quarter's articles, "Interpreting the Rules of Revelation," and our first installment of Rapture teachings, read them first. Hilton Sutton presents the pretribulation position. Norman Harrison and Paul Benware take on the midtrib position. And Pat Robertson brings up the rear with the posttrib view. In this issue we tear each of them hermeneutically apart to let you put the pieces back together and develop your own Bible-based views.

          Read, enjoy, and stay tuned in further issues for more in-depth teaching on pneumatology and hermeneutics that will give you the interpretive tools you need to develop and confirm your own eschatological views.

          Thanks for taking the time to punch us up on the web. Feel free to contact us with comments or questions.

In His Service Always,
Mark Norris, Eschatology Today Sr. Editor